February 2023

The Penny Red

Great Britain

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The Penny Red was the successor to the Penny Black. Introduced in early 1841, the design & printing process of the 1d Red remained relatively unchanged until late 1853 and the introduction of the perforation to aid easier separation of the stamps from the printed sheets.

The stamp was printed from many printings' plates over the cause of this period many of which deteriorated during their print run, had to be repaired some several times in the process and gave rise to constant varieties and printing flaws. Such examples are always popular & collatable by Philatelists & collectors alike.


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We have pleasure in offering a superb selection of material currently available including Imprimaturs, Stamps, Covers, 1d Reds from the Black plates ( SG7) Multiples, Distinctive Cancelations & constant varieties. We trust you will find the selection of interest & find something suitable to add to your collection. 

Browse our latest Penny Red stock


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