October 2024

Collectors Profiles of the Falkland Islands Dependencies and British Antarctic Territory

In our latest Falkland Islands & Dependencies profiles we asked members of The Polar Postal History Society of Great Britain (PPHSGB) a series of questions on how they got started collecting and what they consider to be their favourite items from their collection.

Richard Hindle collects polar exploration, “so it was a logical place to look for stamps” and when selecting his favourite items it was “very difficult to choose” but “probably the Falkland Islands Dependencies 1954 ships set.”



(Above Falkland Islands Dependencies 1954 ships series SG G26/G40 Set of 15 reproduced here with perforations omitted) 


Cliff Allen also highlights Whaling postal history as a particular area of interest, with favourite items from his collection being “Covers that are addressed to or from, or mention the whaling vessels involved.” 

Peter Jennings's interest in the area came about from having ‘visited most of the area covered by them’ and is partial to the British Antarctic Territory stamps, 'postmarked Signy 1971-1973'.


(Above SG 129 1933 Whale-catcher Bransfield. Reproduced here with perforations omitted) 


About The Polar Postal History Society of Great Britain (PPHSGB)

With a focus on the British Antarctic Territory and Falkland Islands’ Dependencies, The Polar Postal History Society of Great Britain (PPHSGB) which was founded in 1952, was the first society in the world that was established to focus on Polar Philately.


The society offers an award winning website www.polarpostalhistory.org, quarterly journal titled the Polar Post, covering items of interest from the Arctic to the Antarctic and an online Polar Library www.polarpostalhistory.com that provides access to every edition of the society journal published since 1952! 


About The Falkland Island & Dependencies Stamp Catalogue


The updated 9th Edition Falkland Islands & Dependencies Stamp Catalogue covers stamps of the Falkland Islands and its Dependencies, including British Antarctic Territories, South Orkneys and South Shetlands, South Georgia, and the South Sandwich Islands.


The area offers collectors a variety of stamps showcasing themes relating to Antarctic exploration,  maritime history, and the region's natural beauty and native species.

  •  Details of issues up to 1970 have been extracted from the Stanley Gibbons 2025 Commonwealth and British Empire Stamp Catalogue. Later issues have been updated and re-priced for this edition.
  • Within the catalogue you will find a selection of select annotations detailing stamps with notes on forgeries for pre-1962 issues.

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