New Edition due September 2022

No Longer Available - 2022 Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps Catalogue 1840-1970

Stock Code: R2813-22

This Stanley Gibbons comprehensive catalogue covers Great Britain, Commonwealth and Empire countries 1840-1970. The listings include variations in watermark, perforation, paper and printing methods, major shades, watermark varieties, important plate flaws, errors, government telegraph stamps and booklets (all listed and priced).

Guidance is given throughout the catalogue on subjects such as unusual usages, overprint settings, forgeries and much, much more. More such notes have been added to the latest edition.


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  • The authoritative reference source for GB and Commonwealth information – all stamps from 1840-1970 listed and priced.
  • To help readers avoid buying forgeries or fakes, or stamps with forged postmarks, there is helpful information on their identification.
  • Strengthened, casebound binding for extra durability.
  • Unique listing by SG number.
  • Full colour illustrations
  • Invaluable six-page article on stamp condition
  • Helpful guide to valuing stamps on commercial cover up to 1945.
  • Prices have once again been revised from cover to cover. The market for fine Commonwealth stamps remains strong, with increases in most sections, some of them quite substantial. This reflects the welcome resurgence in interest in philately during the ‘lockdowns’ of recent months, with demand for more difficult stamps beginning to push up catalogue prices.
  • Whether you are an active buyer of Commonwealth stamps or a dealer, it is vital to be right up to date with this very active market – and there is no more up-to-date reference than the 2022 ‘Part 1’.

Important Additions To The 2022 Edition:

  • Further additions have been made to the 'Admirals' of Rhodesia, with more shades being adjusted to allow easier matching with the SG Colour Key and new items added to the listings - notably in the monocoloured ½d. and 1d., where the shaded and unshaded ears are illustrated for the first time.
  • Further additions have been made to the 'Damaged frame and crown' listings in the Edward VII key types and the 'Serrated edge' flaws of King George VI Leeward Islands and Mauritius.
  • A number of new additions have been made to 'used abroad' listings and notes, notably for India used in the Aden sub-offices, Iran and Muscat, New Zealand used on Fanning Island and Great Britain used in the Morocco Agencies.
  • Important new plate and watermark varieties have been added to Grenada, Indian States, Malta, Nigeria, St Helena and South Africa, among others.
  • Notes have been added or expanded throughout; these include information on Stellaland forgeries and their detection and the 'Postal Service' stamps of India.
  • Other significant editorial improvements may be found in New Guinea, Fiji, Indian States, South West Africa and elsewhere.
  • Further improvements have been made to illustrations throughout the catalogue.
  • Many new stamps have been added and previously unpriced items given a valuation for the first time.