Great Britain

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Displaying 1-12 of 12 results

GB 1971 SG885a Mint Gold omitted u/m

Stock Code: P223005786

GB 1971 SG887b Mint red-orange omitted

Stock Code: P223005793

GB 1979 SGX925a Mint - imperforate (pair)

Stock Code: P189009047

GB 1980 SGX962a Mint imperf (pair)

Stock Code: P223005798

GB 1985 SG1292a Mint - imperforate pair

Stock Code: P189009029

GB 1988 SGX956a Mint imperf (pair)

Stock Code: P223005856

GB 1988 SGX956a Mint imperf (pair)

Stock Code: P223005850

GB 1988 SGX956a Mint imperf (pair)

Stock Code: P223005853

GB 1991 SGX977a Mint Imperforate pair

Stock Code: P190011419