I.F.S. SIRMOOR 1898 SG71/a Official 1a grey-blue (V), type 15 opt, reconstructed row of 10, variety "Small S" at pos. 8-10, used

Stock Code: P234005055

Official. 1898 (Nov) 1a grey-blue (V), type 15 opt (first setting), reconstructed row of 10, showing variety "Small S at right" on pos. 8-10, including pos. 3-5 and 6-8 as intact strips of three (the latter showing the small "S" se-tenant with normals), and 9-10 (both small "S") in a pair, lightly used. Much above average condition and a rare achievement, particularly desirable with the proving multiples, and all stamps plated to their individual sheet positions. Written up on page, with an extra example showing "Defective O in On". (cat £429+).


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I.F.S. SIRMOOR 1898 SG71/a Official 1a grey-blue (V), type 15 opt, reconstructed row of 10, variety "Small S" at pos. 8-10, used - $452.48*

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