Indian Ocean Stamp Catalogue 4th Edition

Stock Code: R2986-22

A priced listing of the stamps of British Indian Ocean Territory, Maldive Islands, Mauritius and Seychelles, from the first issues to the latest releases.

Listings up to 1970 are extracted from the 2022 Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps catalogue.
Later issues have been updated and priced for this edition.


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Indian Ocean Stamp Catalogue 4th Edition - $28.41*

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Key Selling Features

  • Listings for issues up to 1970 are based on the 2022 Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps catalogue; later issues have been specially updated and repriced for this catalogue.
  • Watermark varieties, plate flaws, major errors, perforation changes, shades, postage due stamps and booklets are all listed and priced, as are the Express Delivery and Postal Fiscal stamps of Mauritius.
  • British Consular Mail and Inland Mail stamps of Madagascar listed in full.
  • Fully priced listing of Mauritius stamps used in Seychelles prior to the issue of their first stamps in 1890
  • The 1890-1892 issues of Seychelles outer islands (Zil Elwannyen Sesel) listed in full.
  • An appendix listing is provided for post-2013 issues of Maldive Islands, where stamp issues have been far in excess of local needs

Detailed Contents/Countries Covered

The Stanley Gibbons Indian Ocean Catalogue is a detailed and highly informative catalogue, ideal for any collector who specialises in the stamps of this area.

Information is provided at the beginning of each country covering history, early stamp issues and currency changes. This information is designed to aid the collector in identifying their stamps and also to provide an historical reference for the information contained on the stamps.

Current stamp issuing countries covered in this catalogue include:

  • British Indian Ocean Territory – updated to June 2021
  • Maldive Islands – 2015, Appendix listings to 2020
  • Mauritius – December 2021
  • Seychelles – October 2020

Apart from the stamps of the current issuing countries, the Stanley Gibbons Indian Ocean Catalogue covers a number of other areas of interest:

  • Madagascar: British Consular Mail
  • Madagascar: British Inland Mail
  • Mauritius Express Delivery stamps, Postage Dues and Fiscals Stamps Used for Postage
  • Zil Elwannyen Sesel



  • The ‘Misplaced stop’ varieties have been added to the ‘B.I.O.T.’ overprints on Seychelles, the ‘Serrated edge’ flaw has been added to the 1938 King George VI definitives of Mauritius and there are new watermark varieties in both Mauritius and Seychelles.
  • Numerous notes have been added throughout, providing additional advice and information.
  • Prices have been extensively revised, with many significant increases in both Mauritius and Seychelles.

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