SOUTH AFRICA 1930 SGO19a Official

Stock Code: P212002540

Official. 1930-47 "Set 20A" (= 19(44-)46 issue) 2s6d "dull blue and chocolate", English single showing variety "Diaeresis over second E of OFFISIEEL (dropped) and short (14.2mm instead of 15.2mm) OFFICIAL", used with small part cancels. Confirmed as R1/6, and distinct from the similar R6/3 variety in Set 21 (= SG O19c), which has OFFICIAL of normal length. Some faults (creasing and adhesion), still fine appearance and a very good proving example of this rarity, with few recorded. Ex Matheson. [Union Handbook unlisted. Hisey & Matheson O105A]


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SOUTH AFRICA 1930 SGO19a Official - $258.84*

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