SOUTH AFRICA 1935 SGO25, var Official

Stock Code: P212002569

Official. 1935-49 "Set 22" (= June 1948 issue) 1s "dark purple-brown and milky blue", hyphenated with 20mm spacing, from the fascinating "mixed font" setting used only for this printing, left marginal block of four with part arrow, showing the major variety V1 ("Shorter OFFISIEEL") on the right pair (R9-10/2), very fine o.g. (lower pair unmounted). An extremely scarce positional proving block, with V1 present on only four stamps (R9-12/2) in the setting, as against 20 examples of V2 ("Shorter OFFICIAL") and 16 of V3 ("Both words shorter"). Ex Matheson. [It is noteworthy that no Cyclometer number was recorded in the UHB, and only one by Hisey & Matheson, despite the reported delivery of 500 sheets.] [Union Handbook O114 V1]


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